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The cone direction (its central axis) is defined using the Vector Constructor.
The origin of the base of the cone is defined using the Point Constructor.
Just like making and Cylinder Block, there are various ways to
create a cone that can be viewed by scrolling to the dropdown menu in the Type box.

The contents of the box type menu are:
• diameters, Height
• diameters, Half Angle
• Base Diameter, Height, Half Angle
• Top Diameter, Height, Half Angle
• Two Coaxial Arcs

Diameters, Height
This option creates a solid body by defining the cone base diameter, top diameter,
and height values.

Please select diameters, HEIGHT
Click on the Vector Constructor icon to specify a specific vector.
Select the ZC-Axis so that the vector that points toward the positive Z
Click OK

Click on the icon Point Constructor, Set Point to set the origin of the cylinder.
Point Constructor window will appear.
Select the Arc / Ellipse / Sphere Center icon in the dialog box and click on the upper edge of a circular cylinder 
For the Base Point coordinates, fill with the values​​: XC = 0 YC = 0 ZC = 20 Click OK
In the cone window, type the following values​​:
Base diameter = 10mm
Top Diameter = 13mm
Height = 7mm
Click OK

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